Ways Personal Injury Lawyer In Kamloops Determine Damages For Pain And Suffering

Though there are no hard and fast rules as to how a dollar value can be put to the pain and sufferings, after an injury causing accident, the Personal Injury Lawyer in Kamloops and the insurance company will consider a few points. They follow specific ways to calculate it. This will affect your claim amount which you can demand from the insurance company of the party at fault, as a third party claim.You will have to prove that the defendant is the one responsible for the accident and your injuries. After it is done, you will need to provide necessary evidences for all your losses that are associated with the incident.

Pain And Suffering

Your claim amount will include the cost of your pain and suffering. This is actually a legal term that encompasses the mental and emotional injuries, apart from the physical pain. The emotional injuries that are usually considered by the Personal Injury Lawyer in Kamloops includes fear, grief, insomnia, worry, loss of enjoyment and companionship, inconvenience and all other aspects that were not there before the accident occurred. This is the most integral part of any personal injury claims albeit it can be large or small. It all depends on the type of injuries sustained and the severity of it.

Calculation of Pain And Suffering Damages

The insurance companies and your Personal Injury Lawyer in Kamloops will use one of two methods to calculate your pain and suffering. The first method involves multiplying the actual damages,such as the medical bills and lost wages by a specific number that generally ranges between 1 and 5. The factor to be used depends on the severity of your injury. Usually, the accident settlement calculator is used in this multiplier method. Alternatively, the attorneys may use a per diem or "per day" approach. In this method there is a specific amount assigned for every day calculated from the day the accident occurred till the day you reach maximum recovery.

Proving Pain And Suffering

However, to make such damages for your pain and suffering recoverable you will need to prove and support it with lots of evidences and documents. The more the evidences are the more is your claims. The extent of your injury and pain and suffering can be properly documented with photographs and videos, personal journals and medical records, letters and other documents that will convey your physical as well as emotional feelings. You may also use documentation from your friends and family to show how the injuries have impacted your life in a negative manner.

The Fair Amount

When you have all the necessary proofs and evidences with you, it is the job of the Personal Injury Lawyer in Kamloops to determine what the fair amount to compensate for your pain and sufferings is. The multiplier method or the per diem method will be used for this purpose. The attorney will also consider the additional circumstances if any that may be included to further increase the amount, which may be a scar or a disfigurement but not a bump on your forehead that will heal soon. To read more Click Here